Who Am I, Anyway?

To answer this question, I must go back to an introductory writing assignment I whipped up in high school. You know the kind I’m referring to: “What word would you use to describe yourself, and why?” How I hated those kinds of writing prompts: how could I possibly limit myself, with all who I am and all I desire, to one word?

After staring at my computer screen, banging on the keyboard, and slamming down on the backspace button more times than I care to admit, I decided to seek help from a logical source: my closest friends and family.

“Hmm… I’d have to go with compassionate, or sensitive, or maybe even just happy,” my childhood best friend replied.

Those are all nice words, and yes, I am a normally happy, compassionate, and sensitive person, but I still felt very unsatisfied. I politely thanked her and hit up my other friend.

Without hesitation, my high school gal pal quipped, “You’re insane. No doubt about it.”

After a series of sarcastic comments, I moved on to my next source: my little sister.

“How am I supposed to know? It’s your writing assignment.”

Well then. Moving on…

Next up was the obvious choice (and admittedly the person I should have asked first), my mother.

“One word to describe you? Well, I’d go with either determined or something like it. I don’t know anyone your age who is willing to work as hard as you do for what you want.”

That’s it! I could use the word “ambitious.” After all, for only being a sophomore at the time, I had already crafted a bucket list packed with various explorations and dream achievements. Why wouldn’t I use my many dreams to describe myself?

I returned to my office chair and typed away a flurry of metaphors stringed together with solid imagery and specific details. Patting myself on the back for a job well done, I printed off my assignment and tucked it away in my English folder.

Class commenced the next day, and I took my seat with my paper in hand. One of my classmates turned to face me.

“Hey, Syd, what word did you use?”

“Oh, just ‘ambitious,’” I mentioned nonchalantly, although I was secretly beaming inside over my own creativity.

“No way! That’s what I chose for mine!”


I stared at him for a bit, semi-unresponsive, but then I managed to mumble a reply along the lines of “Oh really?”

As he turned to face the blackboard, I silently slumped in my seat.

How could I be so unoriginal? It’s not like “ambitious” was an obscure word only found in the darkest depths of Dictionary.com. I pouted over my missed opportunity of uniqueness.

Later on in the week, I found out four other people used “ambitious” to describe themselves.

Also, I was the only one of those people to get an A.


Of course.

So really, who am I? I don’t think one word can ever sum up a person(as I clearly demonstrated through my entire high school anecdote), so I’ve selected a few words that I find helpful in describing who I am.

  1. Awkward

No matter how much I hate to admit it, I’m just one big ball of awkward. Anyone who interacts with me notices this sad fact right away. I think it’s because of the way I flap my arms when I talk to people. I’ve tried to break this habit, but it ends up happening at some point in the conversation, without fail. At least I make others feel at ease when I go to parties (“Well, at least I’m not like that kid…).

  1. Stubborn

Another thing people notice about me: I don’t like assistance of any kind. I’ve always been the kind of gal who tries way too hard to be self-sufficient, which causes me to get myself into very sticky situations, usually on a daily basis (and yes, I will most likely recount a few of my many predicaments in future posts. For now, you’ll have to wait).

  1. Ballsy

My mother may cringe at this word, but it describes me quite well. My tell-it-like-it-is personality is both admired and despised by my peers: they can always expect me to say what I’m thinking (and at times that is a very, very, VERY scary thing).

  1. Loyal

Here’s one positive thing I can say about myself: I’m devoted to the people I love. So don’t mess with them, ‘cuz then you’ll have to deal with me. And you don’t want that. Ever.

And lastly, I couldn’t resist choosing this word:

  1. Ambitious

The world is overflowing with knowledge and experience: I want it all. Therefore, I expect a lot from myself (I kind of have to if I want to experience everything on my bucket list, right?). I can’t resist a challenge, and I’m constantly setting goals for myself.

What can I say? I’m a dreamer. I’m a thinker. I’m klutzy, I’m feisty, and I’m thirsty for knowledge. I’m impulsive and passionate, strong-willed and head-strong. Just like you, there’s more to me than what one word could ever describe.

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