The People You’ll Run into Over Break

As spring break quickly approaches, students begin to pack their bags for the trip back to their home towns. More likely than not, students will bump into a few of their former classmates. Here are the ones to look out for.

1. An Old Flame

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It’s nearly inevitable: you will run into an old fling or significant other. If you’re lucky, it’ll just be in passing so you can avoid awkward small talk. You’ll spend most of your time remembering why things didn’t work out with that person, and then you’ll reassure yourself that it was for the best. Then again, the torrent of “what if?” questions could also flood in as you make eye-contact with your ex, causing you to mumble the first things that come to mind. You burble, you stutter, you sputter, you flush… and your old lover looks away quickly, quickening his or her pace.

2. The Bully

Via Make a Meme

Whether it’s the guy who tortured you in the hallways or the girl who snubbed you every chance she got, you will most likely see your high school bully at some point in your break. Best case scenario, he or she will be handing you your fries and burger as you go along the drive-through. Sadly, best case scenarios rarely happen; therefore, you will likely stumble across your high school tormentor at the gym or in a familiar public hang-out. He or she will try to reminisce with you about the “good ol’ days” as you look for an escape route. Warning: a series of gruesome flashbacks may occur.

3. The One Whose Name You Can’t Remember

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Here is the ultimate moment of panic: you see a face, you recognize it. Heck, you even vaguely remember this person sitting behind you in math class, but you can’t think of the name connected to the face. You avoid locking eyes with the person, but can’t help stealing glances at him in hopes that his name will surface in your mind. You look up. Teddy? No, that’s not it. You look down. You look back up. Curtis? Timmy? Phil? You look down. You look back up. Oh no! He noticed you! He smiles and walks toward you. You look for any excuse to distract yourself: conversations with people nearby, an “incoming” call or text, counting the tiles on the ceiling. You feel a slight tap on your shoulder and cringe internally. “Hey there…” you manage to squeak out. You chat with this person, and he seems to be very happy to see you. He even makes references to the math class you shared (at least you remembered that!). He says goodbye, and as he walks away, you sigh with relief. Another bullet dodged!

Who knows? Maybe bumping into an old classmate could be a positive experience for you. If not, make a plan of action for polite chit chat. Either way, enjoy your break!

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