6 Signs You Are a Journalism Major

You write; you watch the news; you read various articles on your favorite news sites and in the school newspaper. You aspire to work for a major news network, newspaper, or website. Is that all there is to being a journalism major, though? Of course not! After all, we’re a very rare breed; what makes us who we are?

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1. You drink coffee like athletes drink water.

Let’s face it: journalists never sleep. After all, news breaks all day, every day, and most college campuses provide several student-run publications. Our course loads are heavy enough as is, anyway. Therefore, coffee or some other form of caffeine is needed, not just to stay awake, but to survive.

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2.   You’re on your phone all the time.

Yup, we’re always glued to our phones. What many people don’t realize, though, is that we aren’t trying to be antisocial; most of the time, we’re skimming through our twitter feeds to see what’s happening in the world or checking for breaking news notifications.

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3.  You’re a walking encyclopedia.

Not to brag or anything, but your brain is like a sponge: you’re constantly processing new information and taking in new facts and ideas. You’re a scholar at heart!

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4.  You honestly believe you are the smartest person in the room.

Well, we journalists tend to overemphasize our impressive linguistic repertoires, but just remember: don’t transition from being intellectual to being pretentious.

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5.  You secretly can’t stand other journalism majors.

You sit with them in class, you discuss current events with them, you work on stories together. In the end, the fact that these people are your future competition still drifts in the back of your mind.

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6.  Social media is your life.

Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn: you use each of them on an hourly basis. You probably have the latest apps as well, and you may even have your own blog or manage your own YouTube channel.

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