To My Younger Self

To celebrate International Women’s Day, I have decided to join thousands of women in writing letters to our younger selves. Here’s the advice I’d give to my preteen self.

Old Friend,

Each day is an internal battle. You struggle with your self-image, feeling insecure about your weight and unruly hair. You’re constantly trying to connect with people who are just not interested. You take out your growing anger on the people you love, then you feel desperately lonely when they give you space. You’re never at ease; anxiety is your master. You look toward the future with worried eyes, uncertain of what new trials and failures might come.

But why?

You have so much to offer to the world: you’re gifted in mind and spirit, but you choose to ignore your talents. You have energy and light; you’re compassionate and understanding. Don’t hide in your own dissatisfaction. Quit wearing a mask to cover your vulnerability. Stop isolating yourself to avoid getting hurt.

It is only through getting out of your comfort zone that you will grow. If you stay where you are, you will never see the beauty that is forming around you or the opportunities that are beginning to develop. Lighten up and take a leap: you never know what adventures you could find just by taking chances. After all, life is an inevitable cycle of getting hurt, healing from a hurt, and hurting others. You can’t avoid pain, so why let the fear of it hold you back?

So dear friend, I will close with this: Life is not truly about what one carries, but of what one is able to let go. You’re holding on to so much. You carry your past failures, worries, and sins as if they define who you are. Instead, carry compassion on your sleeve and trust in your pocket. Carry self-worth and sincere, unfaltering hope. Because of the load you will leave behind, you can dream bigger and brighter, reach higher and farther, and love deeper and fuller.

You’re incredibly loved, incredibly wanted, and incredibly worth while.


With much love and the best of wishes,

Sydney Lee Dawes

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