Confessions of an Insomniac

Hi. My name is Sydney, and I’m a self-diagnosed insomniac. I know, I know. I’m not a doctor, and I don’t ever plan on becoming one. In my own mind, though, my incapability of enjoying a good night’s rest gives me license to wear the label.

Via Saint Peter’s List

So, the burning question: what’s keeping me up? I guess there are a few reasons. For instance, I have trouble going to sleep at night because of all the ideas that bounce around my head. A good portion of my heavy, philosophical, and even scary-ridiculous thinking seems to happen when I’m “turning in” for the night. I toss, I turn, I shuffle pillows around, I kick off blankets, but only after reflecting upon my attitude and decisions that day. I toss some more, I shuffle pillows another time, I wrap myself in blankets again, but only after I analyze specific conversations I had that day. I think about my family and life back home, I think about where I’m going to end up in the next couple years, I strategize my course schedules and workloads. Yeah, I guess the unhealthy amount of worrying I do doesn’t help me with falling asleep.

Via Tumblr

Second, friends keep me awake. What can I say? I’m a sucker for a nightly adventure. I can’t turn down opportunities to explore parts of Athens or have deep conversations that fade away into the night. Of course, apparently none of my friends can resist night-time shenanigans, either. For example, one night was spent on College Green discussing the difference between faith and religion with two friends. Hours flew by another night exploring secluded spots on campus and taking in the beauty of freshly fallen snow. My time not sleeping, in my opinion, is time well spent: I have made some of my best memories thus far after one o’ clock in the morning.

Via Pinterest

Here’s a big confession: my caffeine intake probably doesn’t help with the sleep issue. Anybody who knows me knows I have a minor obsession with coffee and anything like it. A day hasn’t gone by without me having at least one mug. Yeah, frequently my coffee consumption occurs later in the night (I can’t say I even keep time in mind anymore).

So, maybe I’ll go to sleep tonight, maybe I won’t. After all, rest is only optional, right?

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